Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Lord Saladin - the face of "Destiny: Rise of Iron"

So this is the first addition to my cosplay collection that I'm including because someone else is a fan. Much as I wish I could enjoy 1st-person games as a player, they all tend to make me queasy, so I settle for enjoying them as a spectator. And the game I've been "spectating" the most since its initial release has been Destiny. My husband swears he can stop any time he chooses (lol!), but I find it amusing that he's taken this week of vacation time off, so as to properly enjoy the release of the Rise of Iron DLC/expansion pack. I can't tweak him about it too much, though, as I'll be putting in as much time as possible to my own favorite game when my beloved Sims city expansion pack drops in November.

This was also my most ambitious project to date, as the outfit itself used very few of the stencils from my Klutz books. Even so, I think it turned out pretty well and I'm really proud of the details I was able to freehand on my own. So here's everyone's favorite guardian and his giant flaming axe:

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